primtech North America - USA, Canada
primtech contact : Duane Guidry
Phone: +1 214-471-7406
E-Mail: duane.guidry@primtechnoa.com
primtech contact : Michael Goins
Phone: +1 919-704-1157
E-Mail: michael.goins@primtechnoa.com

primtech Latin America
Latam Representation in Colombia
Phone : +57 300 9294521
E-Mail : info.latam@primtech.com

primtech Reseller - Brazil
FIGENER Sistemas e Softwares de Engenharia Ltda.
Avenida Paulista, 2644 –1º andar – cj. 11
01310-934 São Paulo – SP, Brasil
primtech Contact : Alexandre Vasconcellos
Phone: +55 (11) 3256-6999
Fax: +55 (11) 3120-3754
E-Mail: alexandre@figener.com.br
Homepage: www.figener.com.br

primtech Reseller - India
Trident Techlabs Pvt. Ltd.
White House, 1/18-20, Rani Jhansi Road
New Delhi - 110055, India
primtech Contact : Praveen Kapoor
Phone: +91 (11) 2362 9285
Fax: +91 (11) 2362 9287
E-Mail: corporate@tridenttechlabs.com
Homepage: www.techlabspower.com

primtech Partner - Australia
Engian Consulting
15 Ambiance Crescent
AU - 3805 Narre Warren South, Australia
primtech Contact : Asif Bhangor
Phone: +61 4093 75981
E-Mail: admin@engianconsulting.com.au
Homepage: www.engianconsulting.com.au

primtech Partner - Australia
DODDD Pty Ltd t/a smartBIM
59 Friend Street
Wakerley 4154 QLD, Australia
primtech Contact: Christian Dorst
Phone: +61 4 9006 2089
E-Mail: christian@smartbim.com.au
Homepage: www.smartbim.com.au

primtech Partner - Worldwide
Autodesk GmbH
Aidenbachstrasse 56
81379 München, Germany
Phone: +49 89 54769-0
Homepage: www.autodesk.com
SCADA Systems
Level 6, 126 Vincent St,
Auckland CBD, New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 377 6781
Fax: +64 9 377 6782
E-Mail: info@elecdes.com
Homepage: www.elecdes.com
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